Come Prepared with Your Theme Song

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Does joining a company that is redefining digital advertising and complex decision making sound exciting? It should. Our Senior Talent Acquisition Manager, Lindsey Davis, sat down to share her thoughts on the best parts of her job and what candidates can expect when they interview with Decide. 

How did you get into talent acquisition?

Some people decide to enter human resources and talent acquisition, and other people just kind of fall into it. I fell into it. I had always worked in the nonprofit sector providing direct service. I never expected my career to take this path, and it all came from an unexpected opportunity. The really cool part is that although I left the nonprofit sector, working in talent acquisition means that you have a huge impact on people’s lives. It might sound cheesy, but I believe the work I do now and the work I did then both make a difference in people’s lives. 

That’s why I love working in this space. 

What are a few things you’d suggest to a candidate to stand out in an interview? 

Knowing who you are talking to and why you are talking to them is crucial. Personally, I am always impressed when a candidate looks at my LinkedIn profile.  Being as authentic as possible is also important. Here’s a secret about job interviews that no one tells you: the interviewer is usually just as nervous as the interviewee. At Decide we work hard to disarm the interviewee and create a relaxed environment. We want to see who you really are! (Bonus suggestion: don’t frown on power posing before you go into an interview.) 

Finally, get curious. Don’t be afraid to ask questions you want to know about the role, the company, and the culture. Ultimately, we want to know when we are offering a job to someone they have all the information they need to be equally as excited to accept the position. 

What should a candidate expect if they are interviewing with Decide? 

They can expect to be treated with dignity, transparency, and respect. We are not a resume-driven company. We look for passion, authenticity, and real human beings. In order to find those, we need to have a talent acquisition approach based on inclusiveness and seeing beyond just what’s on paper. 

We value unconventional backgrounds because they often lead to unconventional results. 

What is your favorite question to ask in an interview?

My favorite serious question involves asking interviewees about the challenges they anticipate having in their first 90 days, and how they plan on overcoming those challenges. Thoughtful answers to that question show strategic thinking and indicate whether the candidate can picture themselves in the role.

Going back to disarming the interviewee during a call, I love to break the tension and get to know someone by asking what their entrance song would be, if they walked into a room. Mine would be the theme song to Jurassic Park, or Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now.” 

What is the best part of your job?

Everyone says this, but I work in talent acquisition, so it’s true: it’s the people and the chance to have a positive impact on someone’s life.

Interested in joining Decide? To learn more about exciting opportunities visit our careers page and follow us on LinkedIn!
